Monday 30 March 2020

Life Drawing

For this life drawing session as we are still working from home I looked at some of the suggested online resources for life drawing.

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Reflective Statement

I have found this soundscape to be thoroughly interesting. I learned how to use the Adobe Audition software which will be a useful tool for future projects. I also found it interesting to see how important sound is to film and how the audience rarely notices the work that goes into create these sounds.

I found the recording process for creating my own sounds fun however, in retrospect I wish that I recorded more sounds outside. I found it difficult to picture what sounds I could create for each image but once I started editing I realised that I could have been more experimental during the recording process. I now understand the importance of sound and, looking at future projects, how I can use this foley process.

Soundscape - Submission Post