Saturday 7 November 2020

Rango - Character Archetypes and Storytelling

 After watching 'The Princess Bride' this week we were tasked with finding the same character archetypes in a film of our choosing. I chose to watch Rango a it follows the traditional Hero's Journey. 

The Hero 

Rango is the hero of the film, hence the films title. He follows the traditional archetype, however there are some grey areas in the film (lying to the towns people) that don't follow a traditional hero's journey which could present Rango as more of an anti hero. He seems to get out of most situations through luck. 

The Shadow 

The Hawk is introduced at the begging of the film and plays a strong role throughout, even after it's death Rango uses its shadow to scare Rattle Snake Jake. The Hawk's only priority is to hunt other animals and seeing as the audience are first introduced to the bird through it's shadow it fits this archetype well.

The Herald

The Mariachi Owls narrate Rango's journey from beginning to end, much like a Greek Chorus, however Rango can see and hear them so in many ways they are the call to action. It could also be argued that Road Kill could be the Herald as he represents the call to action. 

The Threshold Guardian

The Hawk/ Frog Creature when Rango first walks into the desert. It is one of his first trials and almost causes him to turn back. The idea of the other side and the road could also represent this archetype. 

The Trickster

The Mayor of Dirt is technically the shadow or 'Big Bad' of the story', but the audience does not learn this until later on, he presents himself as an ally to Rango therefore he is the trickster. 

The Mentor

Road Kill is the first living animal Rango meets on his journey and when he is at his lowest point he brings him back to save the town. He gives him useful advice therefore he is the Mentor. The Spirit of the West could also be considered Rango's mentor as he is referred to often throughout the film. 


Most of the townspeople quickly become Rango's allies, these include: Doc, Mr. Merrimack, Priscilla, Spoons, W.B and Mr Timms. 

The Mother

I found this difficult to find as there is no real mother type in this film. I decided that the water or walking cactus could represent this role as both guide Rango in times of need. 

The Father

There is no real mention of fathers, other than Beans' father, however the Spirit of the West seems to be the only other character to fit this role. 

The Child 

Priscilla fits this archetype well. Rango meets her when entering the town of dirt and she becomes an ally. 

The Maiden

Beans fits the traditional maiden archetype in a sense, this film follows a western story structure, however she aids the group more than hinder's them. Usually the maiden is helpless and constantly needs saving, but Bean's contradicts this role. 

The Shapeshifter 

Rattle Snake Jake is a fierce villain throughout this film until very late on when he realises he has been tricked by the Mayor of Dirt. He soon swaps sides and vows to leave the townspeople alone for good. Rango himself could be seen to fit this role. He changes his backstory throughout and often lies, only to come out with the truth near the end of the film, he is also a literal shapeshifter as he changes colour. 

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