Tuesday 16 February 2021

Premise - Ideas So Far

Starting premise I knew what direction I wanted to go down in terms of content, to create some characters and have a story based narrative. I am not necessarily the strongest when it comes to maya so I want to play to my strengths. I started off with a few quick sketches of some ideas I already had, looking into different examples of animation in the area that I am interested in. After developing some ideas I have decided to go down the more abstract route, having at least one detailed character but the environment and any other characters more basic.


The narrative so far is based around the character below and her anxiety's around re-entering the world. The idea is based on the current pandemic and the fear that comes with going back to normal after being away from other people for so long. This world that she sees is bright/ overwhelming and too much to handle all at once. I have looked into Japanese and French animation, as much of the story telling is more abstracted than typical western animation. The ghost like characters in Spirited away have also influenced some ideas around characters that populate this world. 

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