This week we looked into substance painter and the pros to texturing in this software. Substance painter is completely new to me, however, I found this instantly more user friendly compared to the photoshop process. Being able to see each texture build up in both 2D and 3D format simplified the process from me. You start by exporting the existing objects into substance painter, there are lots of materials already provided to texture objects like the one used below. From there settings can be changed to effect the size and scale of the texture, these textures when baked also provide normal maps e.t.c. The gold pattern is added by using a copper like texture and another fill layer textured with the actual design, which is then inverted. This designs height can also be altered to simulate the idea of depth and difference in material. Once all of this is completed it can be exported back into maya, by placing each texture map into the correct inputs. I feel that this process is easier in terms of visualisation and for me personally time saving compared to the alternative methods. The outcome is also of a high quality.