This project was essentially a build up of everything we have learned so far during the course. The aim of the project to create a 3-minute fully rendered animation based on one of three science based topics. I feel that I fulfilled the brief in all areas aside from have a finished render (due to current circumstances) which I believe I completed successfully. I worked with a professional voice over artist to create a voice over I felt worked well with the animation as well as sourcing music. I developed my modelling, lighting and animation skills immensely throughout this project, however, there is still lots to be improved.
I found this project to be faster pace in terms of scheduling compared to the previous projects as it combined all different aspects of creating a finished animation in a more confined time frame. Although the current working situation hindered the process at first, I found that I was much more focused and kept to my personal time management far better than usual. My concept art and story boarding is steadily improving and I seem to enjoy this process the most. Although the teaching environment was different in the simplest of terms there was always someone around to answer questions when needed so I did not seem to struggle. Towards the end of the project I seemed to slow down in work pace which is something I defiantly need to work on. Overall, I am pleased with the result and I can see lots of improvement in areas I was struggling with previously. If I were to do this project again I would focus more on the detailing of the environment as well as the texturing on my main objects. It would also be nice to create a finished render to see the final look.
Saturday, 30 May 2020
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Sunday, 10 May 2020
Toolkit 1 Submission - Animation Show reel, Character Design and Reflective Statements
During our animation classes we learnt the basic but essential processes to create both 2D and 3D animation. We started off with objects and soon moved onto walk cycles. To create these animations we used adobe animate, however, I found this programme frustrating and difficult to create good looking pieces due to brush quality. With that said I think that adobe animate still works in a way that teaches you the process of animating from a 2D perspective.
I think that my animations are fairly successful and I would like to see how they can improve in different software (e.g. photoshop). I think that these lessons provided essential fundamentals for understanding animation which I will use in the future. I think that to improve my animation I need to be more patient and focused.
Character Design
Reflective Statement
Before starting this course I had very limited experience in character design. I found the lessons extremely helpful towards the the From Script to Screen project as well as my current project. I learnt a lot about fluidity of line work as well as characterisation and variation in shape. I also learnt the importance of having source material and influences as it makes it so much easier to create a character with a starting of point.
I think that my character designs in class were successful. And I found the process very informative.
Toolkit 1 Submission - Life Drawing/ Reflective Statement
Life Drawing Submission by Alex on Scribd
Reflective Statement
Having only taken part in one life drawing class prior to this course I was interested to see how my drawing ability would develop over time. I found that I learned a lot about perspective and sizing as well as different techniques and mediums to create a successful life drawing.
After a few sessions I found that I quickly got used to the process and started experimenting with colour and style. I think that I still need to improve on my speed so I can get more down on he page alongside proportions.
I have found the life drawing sessions very useful in keeping up with and improving my drawing which has also drastically improved my digital painting. A personal goal for next year is to develop a stronger style and try to get more movement/life into my drawings.
Toolkit 1 Submission - Autodesk Maya/ Supporting Software/ Reflective Statement
Intro to Autodesk Maya
Modelling 1: Digital Sets
Modelling 2: Organic/ Hard Surface
Rigging and Skinning 101
3D Animation 101
Pre-Visualisation 101
Effects 1: Deformers
Lighting and Rendering 1: Arnold 1
Adobe Audition/ Premiere Pro
Reflective Statement
At the beginning of the academic year Maya and most of the other software's were completely new to me. Even though I found it difficult it made it easier knowing that we were starting from scratch and learning the basics. I feel that over the course of first year I have gotten the hang of most of the basic elements of Maya but I still feel that I could go over some of the tutorials that I struggles with to make sure I fully understand the process.
In terms of time management I feel that I kept on top of the tutorials fairly well although I need to be stricter in terms of setting myself deadlines to make sure that I complete work on time.
The adobe software (e.g. premiere and after effects) was fairly new to m, however I found that I picked most of the information up quickly. Overall, I think that I was successful in completing all Maya tutorials to the best of my ability.
Thursday, 7 May 2020
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
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After last weeks lecture we were tasked with finding the hero's Journey story structure in an existing animation. The Ordinary World In...
Fig. 1. 'La Belle et la BĂȘte' Poster. 'La Belle et la BĂȘte' is a 1946 French film directed by Jean Cocteau. The ...
This tutorial explains how to create a mesh light and the pros/ cons of using them. Mesh lights work in Arnold render and can be attached to...